Technical Concepts > About Asynchronous Protocol

About Asynchronous Protocol

As of PTV xServer 1.18 there is now an alternative protocol for potentially long running requests. Instead of single HTTP requests that stay idle until a response is being sent, the initial request will start a background job running on the server. Clients have to query the job status to see when it has finished, then ask for the result. The server will store the result until it has been fetched.

A job is the representation of an asynchronous transaction. It has a status which may include further detailed progress information. When finished, a job also has a result which may be an error message.

Jobs are kept persistent on the server for a certain period.


These are the benefits of using asynchronous protocol.


In order to use job requests, the PTV xServer has to persist responses until they are fetched. This is done with the help of a JDBC database and works out of the box for a single PTV xServer.

For a cluster of PTV xServer you need a central database. If you need a highly available solution you have to set up replication to your backup systems as well.

You can replace the bundled database with your own.

Installation and Administration Guide

Please refer to the Administator's Guide for general database information.

Using a Custom Database

For job management nearly any JDBC database can be used. It is requisite that the BLOB API is fully implemented by the JDBC interface, which is not the case for PostgreSQL database management system.

The schema of the necessary database table XSERVER_JOBS is defined as follows:

  XSERVER varchar(18),
  METHOD varchar(50),
  STATUS varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  ELAPSED bigint,
  PROGRESS blob,
  RESULT blob,
  FINISHTIME bigint,
  FETCHTIME bigint,
  USERID varchar(36)

Cluster Configuration

In order to set up a cluster of PTV xServer, one central database has to be set up and defined in the PTV xServer configuration files, ideally but not necessarily on a separate dedicated server.

You can designate one of the local databases as the central database, as long as you configure the load balancer properly - your database server will have less CPU power left for requests.

The configuration can be found in job-management-db.xml. Standard configuration of the Apache Derby database for PTV xRoute Server looks like the following

    <bean id="hikariConfigJob" class="com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig">
        <property name="poolName" value="springHikariCPJob" />
        <property name="connectionTestQuery" value="VALUES 1" />
        <property name="connectionTimeout" value="5000" />
        <property name="dataSourceClassName" value="org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource" />
        <property name="maximumPoolSize" value="10" />
        <property name="dataSourceProperties">
                <prop key="serverName">localhost</prop>
                <prop key="databaseName">job</prop>
                <prop key="user">JOB</prop>
                <prop key="password">JOB</prop>
                <prop key="portNumber">50036</prop>

Please refer to your database vendor's manual to find out more about automatic replication.


Jobs have to be cleaned up periodically. Each PTV xServer comes with an automatic cleanup mechanism which will remove fetched, unfetched, and zombie jobs.

The job life cycle status (finished, fetched, zombie) is separate from its logical status (waiting, running, succeeded etc.) and only available from the database table, querying FINISHTIME, FETCHTIME and LASTUPDATETIME.

The retention periods for each type of job can be configured in

You can effectively deactivate the automatic cleanup task by setting these properties to a very high value, in case you want to provide your own cleanup mechanism.

Programming Guide

The asynchronous protocol no longer consists of a single HTTP message with a request and response pair that form a transaction but a sequence of such HTTP message exchanges. It is important to understand these messages as well as the underlaying Job object and its statuses.

Name Scheme for Operations

Every long running transaction of the form

runLong(RequestParameters): ResultType

is replaceable with a pair of operations:

All start operations begin with the prefix start, and closing operations begin with fetch.

In addition, the protocol requires the use of the generic operations

Job Status and Progress

The Job object models meta information about the server job. It contains the following attributes:

All job-related operations except fetch will return a Job object. The status of the job will be QUEUING when returned from the start operation, STOPPING when returned from the stopJob operation, and DELETED when returned from the deleteJob operation. The watchJob operation can return any of the possible status codes:

job status description watchable has progress? can fetch? can stop? can delete?
QUEUING the job has been scheduled for execution when server is under load and the job has to wait no no no yes
RUNNING the job is being executed if the result is not yet available yes no yes yes
STOPPING the job is being finished prematurely until the current processing step has finished yes no yes (ignored) yes
SUCCEEDED the job was successful after processing has terminated yes yes yes (ignored) yes (erases)
FAILED the job has failed after processing has terminated yes yes (returns with the exception) yes (ignored) yes (erases)
DELETED the job has been deleted while the job has not yet been terminated and cleaned up no no no yes (ignored)
UNKNOWN no current job with this id if id is wrong, or job has already been deleted or fetched no no no yes (ignored)

The following diagram illustrates all possible status changes.

Operation watchJob

The watchJob operation will return immediately if the job has state SUCCEEDED, FAILED, DELETED or UNKNOWN. Otherwise, the operation will wait for a status update. If no update happens before a set timeout (maximumPollingPeriod), watchJob will report the last status and only the run time of the job has changed.

WatchJob can return for progress updates while in state RUNNING. This is useful to inform end users about the progress. To enable this behaviour, specify the millisecond period for the progress updates. WatchJob will wait at least this period for a more up to date progress and report only the latest. If no new progress update arrives during the specified period, watchJob will wait for and return with the next available progress update. This mechanism helps to control server and client overhead by coalescing very frequent progress updates. If no progress waiting period is defined, progress will only be sent as part of status updates.

Operation fetch

The fetch operation is only admissible for job status SUCCEEDED or FAILED. In case of FAILED, fetch will report the service exception of the job as result object.

After a fetch of the result object following status SUCCEEDED or FAILED, this object will be erased after a short retention period from the server. This period can be configured within the (default: 5 minutes). If a result object is available but never fetched, it will also expire from the server after a default retention period of 1 week. This period may also be changed within .

Operation stopJob

RUNNING jobs can be requested to terminate as soon as possible so that preliminary results can be retrieved using the appropriate fetch method. This can be useful when while watching the job progress the user decides that something does not work at all (for instance, all results of a bulk requests so far were failures), or that the results already suffice (for instance, the current state of a long running optimization is good enough).

stopJob will fail if the job is not RUNNING. For convenience reasons, it is admissible to stop an already STOPPING or a finished job. In these cases, the operation has no effect.

Operation deleteJob

The delete operation will attempt to delete a job with the given id. Once the delete has been requested, there is no way to cancel the delete and get the results of the job.

If the job has not yet started, the request will be removed from the server queue. If the job is already finished, deleteJob will erase the results as well; this can be used to clean up results from the server without having to fetch them.

The DELETED state may not be visible for the client if it works quickly; in that case, watchJob will report an UNKNOWN job. For convenience reasons, it is admissible to send a delete to an already DELETED or an UNKNOWN job. In these cases, the operation has no effect.

A Typical Job Transaction

A typical transaction is done like this, as pseudocode:

myjobid = startRunLong(request).id
  jobstatus = watchJob(myjobid).status
while jobstatus not in [ FAILED, SUCCEEDED, DELETED, UNKNOWN ]
if jobstatus in [ FAILED, SUCCEEDED ] then
  myresult = fetchResponseType(myjobid)

Of course, this transaction is the most simple form. You usually want to do more:

The clients bundled with PTV xServer provide convenience functions for such transactions.